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Old Blundellian Event

14 - 15 Mar
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Entry 115625

Wk1: Netball and Fives. Every year we welcome back OBs of all ages and abilities to take on the current pupils; be it hockey, netball, football, rifle shooting, fives or touch rugby. Get in touch if you want to join in!

21 - 22 Mar
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OB Sports Weekend

Join us for the second weekend of OB Sport. Every year we welcome back OBs of all ages and abilities to take on the current pupils; be it hockey, netball, football, rifle shooting, fives or touch rugby.

For catering purposes, let us know if you want to play or watch!

04 - 04 Jul
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Speech Day Lunch for OB Parents & Grandparents

Join us on Friday, 4th July 2025, for a special Speech Day Lunch hosted by the OB Club, celebrating the Blundell’s community and connecting current OB parents and current grandparents before the final event of the school year. By Invitation Only

28 - 28 Jul
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Old Blundellian CC V Sou'westers CC

Join Us for the annual Old Blundellian Cricket Club vs. Sou’westers Match