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Latest News

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Brilliant Blundellians

We have had a great deal of success in our Sciences this term, with many pupils achieving high in a number of national challenges.

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Two pupils awarded the Blundell’s White Blazer

White blazers are awarded to pupils who achieve Full Colours in three areas of the school.

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Blundell's fundraising activities

All four of our school charities provide us with excellent examples of what it means to care for others in practical ways and we are privileged to partner with them and learn from them.

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Pupil Profile: Kabir

Blundell’s pupil wins a place at USA Ivy League University Dartmouth College

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Pupil Profile: Megan

Blundell’s pupil awarded scholarship to top American University.

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Why is music important?

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills, including intellectual, social, emotional and motor language. It enhances good concentration and develops listening skills so that the child can achieve academically in all areas of the curriculum.

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Autumn Term Garden Open Day

The autumn sunshine helped ensure the Open Day was another successful event in the Blundell’s Garden. Year 1 started the activities with snail races and using Playdough to make models of insects and items they found in the garden.

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Pupil Profile: Harry List

Since joining Blundell’s in Year 9, Harry’s academic achievements have gone from strength to strength. He quickly made himself known as a talented mathematician with a gift for the sciences and an aptitude for hard work.

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Blundell's on film

There has been considerable excitement around school this term as we had a film crew in to shoot footage for our new school promotional video.

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When Nature Meets Nurture: Outdoor Learning at Blundell’s Prep

The children cannot wait to put on their Wellington boots to get outside to ‘play’ each week, but what are the benefits of this ‘Forest School fad’?! Is there really any value in climbing trees, lighting fires and creating mud pies?! Where is the learning?!

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Blundell’s Adventure, Leadership and Service Award (BALSA)

BALSA – is a programme that has been developed here over the years, and is one that continues to evolve, which really challenges our older children to them learn about themselves and discover the beauty in helping others.

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Blundell's One Day Event

Congratulations to all the equestrian riders that took part in the Blundell’s One Day Event (ODE) this year. The ODE is aimed at South West Schools teams and individuals.