Agents at Blundell's
Information for overseas agents
Blundell’s Admissions Department works with a number of agencies throughout the world in an effort to maintain a global outlook for its 620 pupils. Blundell’s is over 400 years old and maintains a healthy full boarding community.
Pupil Numbers by Year/Sex/Status 2024-25
Number Of Pupils | Total | Boarders | Flexi-Boarders | Day |
Pupils In School | 620 | 215 | 113 | 292 |
Boys | 350 | 114 | 65 | 171 |
Girls | 270 | 101 | 48 | 121 |
11-13 (Years 7 & 8) | 110 | 10 | 7 | 93 |
13-18 (Years 9 - 13) | 510 | 204 | 107 | 199 |
Sixth Form | 216 (boys 128 : Girls 88) | 99 | 52 | 65 |
All agencies will have a contract before any commission is paid and accreditation to BBSN or BSA is accepted, or two appropriate references are required. The standard commission paid is 10% of the first year’s fees paid termly. A small number of agencies who have successfully introduced a number of pupils each year and over a longer period of time, may be offered a further 5% commission for a second year.
There are approximately 90 overseas pupils who typically come from about 17 different countries and it is possible to join any year group if a suitable bed is available. There are a limited number of one or two term stays in most year groups for our Educational and Cultural Immersion programmes
Admission to Blundell's
Senior School | Year Group | Age | Entry level | national curriculum |
School House (Junior Departament) | Year 7 | 11 - 12 | Yes | Key Stage 3 |
Year 8 | 12 - 13 | Possibly | ||
Main School | Year 9 | 13 - 14 | Yes | |
Year 10 | 14 - 15 | Possibly | Key Stage 4 GCSE | |
Year 11 | 15 - 16 | Yes | + One Year GCSE | |
Year 12 | 16 - 17 | Yes | A Level + BTEC | |
Year 13 | 17 - 18 | Possibly |
One Year Limited GCSE Course & Pre-A Level Development Course for Overseas Pupils in Year 11 This course is designed to provide 15 or 16 year old overseas students with a one year GCSE-based course, although a two term stay may be possible if places are still available.. It can either be a stand-alone and meaningful one year course for overseas students who wish to return home afterwards, or as a Foundation year for those choosing to stay and to go on to study A Levels at Blundell’s. The course will allow pupils to continue on to the Sixth Form at Blundell’s providing they have made satisfactory progress and that their attitude to school life has been appropriately positive. Requirements:
This one year course is designed to give pupils a full year of GCSE study, leading to the opportunity to take a number of GCSEs in May/June with the rest of the year group. German pupils will need to achieve at least a grade 4 in five GCSEs for their Head Teacher to be allowed to grant them the equivalent of the Mittlere Reife – this will also qualify them for German Universities, if they choose to stay on in the UK for A Levels. This course will also allow pupils to continue at Blundell’s into the Sixth Form to take A Levels, dependent on a satisfactory performance in Year 11. Number of 50 minute lessons Mathematics GCSE 4 x 50 minute lessons English Cambridge IGCSE 4 x 50 minute lessons Biology GCSE 3 x 50 minute lessons Chemistry GCSE 3 x 50 minute lessons Physics GCSE 3 x 50 minute lessons History GCSE (History or Geography Yr 10 syllabus) 3 lessons Second Language GCSE (French, German, Spanish, Latin) 3 x 50 minute lessons Physical Education 1 x 50 minute lesson PSHE 1 x 50 minute lesson EAL English support 3 x 50 minute lessons * Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History/Geography, any Second Language, PE & PSHE will all be taken with normal English speaking classes. * Pupils may study one, two or all three science subjects, and a second language is also optional. There may be the opportunity to take other GCSE subjects, e.g. Art, PE, DT, Drama etc without taking the final examinations. PE (Physical Education) PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) Games and Activities Music (Optional) |
English Language Immersion Programme (ELIP) |
The ELIP programme is an intensive, specialist programme that is individualised to each student to allow them to develop both their social English, as well as their subject curriculum vocabulary. The central aim of the ELIP is to help pupils build their confidence with English as effectively as possible, so that they can not only join general curriculum classes - they will be better placed to engage with and enjoy the material, as well as interacting with their peers. The programme is run by our EAL (English as an Additional Language) department and pupils will receive expert tuition and guidance from a highly-skilled, qualified and dedicated set of teaching staff. |
Educational & Cultural Immersion Programme |
Educational & Cultural Immersion Programme This short course is designed to provide overseas pupils with an exceptional educational experience, both in terms of academic studies and cultural appreciation. The main driver is to improve their level of English through a full academic timetable with their whole year group, supplemented by a strong EAL programme leading to a Cambridge English Qualification certificate. Key Experiences: Full time academic programme with normal English speaking classes EAL programme according to their requirements leading to a Cambridge English Qualification PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) course Cultural Immersion: English full boarding experience Sporting opportunities, both team and individual External educational and recreational school trips Musical opportunities, both individual and group Requirements: Pupils must have a workable level of English to access a normal timetable – they will be required to take an OPT on-line test, submit an independent piece of writing and have an interview with the Head of EAL. They will also have to take a 45 minutes Mathematics test to help with setting. Pupils should be the appropriate age for their year group on 1st September, but it is possible to be accepted if they less than one year older. They will be required to be Full Boarders and to be committed to at least one full term. They will need to provide school reports/references and a permission letter from their current school. A personal visit to Blundell’s before or after any commitment is always welcome, but it is not required. Personal visits can be arranged by contacting our Admissions Co-ordinator by emailing 00 44 (0)1884 232310. |
All enquiries should be made to Mrs Abi Beszant, the Head of Admissions
Application Process:
- Enquiry made to the Head of Admissions, Mrs Abi Beszant – with details of pupil, DOB, proposed entry date and preferably with a recent school report and a copy of their passport.
- Response from the Head of Admissions.
- School visit, if possible – arranged by contacting Lucinda Wright, Admissions Co-ordinator
- If a visit is not possible, candidates will have an online interview with the Head of Admissions.
- Registration required before testing.
- Agent should arrange and oversee testing – Maths and English Writing Task - + OPT on-line test (log-in supplied by Julie Edge
- Once results are available, pupil interview on-line with Jo Hadley, Head of EAL,
- Sanctions check is carried out by the school for both parents.
- Final decision re possible offer, or not, by the Head of Admissions.
Moving towards Acceptance
- Head of Admissions issues formal Offer Letter, Acceptance Form (+ deposit), Medical Form and Parent Terms & Conditions
- Copies required of Pupil’s Passport and Birth Certificate
- Copies required of both Parents’ Passports
- A letter is required for one or two term stays from their current school, confirming that they will have a place there when they return home