Higher Education & Careers
Blundell’s provides a tailored Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Programme for every year group.
Blundell's follows the Gatsby Careers Benchmarks: a world-class standard for schools and colleges.
The ‘Open Doors’ Programme for the younger years introduces the world of work and employment, different ways to gain qualifications and employability skills, alongside increasing self-awareness of personal motivation and strengths.
For the older year groups, guidance at every key stage, feedback from Morrisby psychometric assessments and work experience, supports informed decision making about subject choices. The Futures programme for all Sixth Formers, enables small, guided, groups to research options and pathways post-18. We run specialist mentoring programmes for Medics, Vets, Dentists, Oxbridge and US/Canadian University applicants. All students are supported by experienced careers staff to progress their chosen route, whether this be university, apprenticeships or employment.
Pupils benefit from a well-resourced careers centre, with 1-1 meetings available for all pupils and their parents, on request.
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