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Legacies at Blundell's

Leave a Lasting Legacy at Blundell's School.

The Importance of Legacies

At Blundell’s School, our legacy donors play a vital role in ensuring that our tradition of excellence continues for future generations. As a registered charity, Blundell’s relies on the generosity of our community to provide exceptional education, enhance our facilities, and offer opportunities to students from diverse backgrounds. By leaving a legacy in your Will, you can make a profound and lasting impact, helping to shape the future of our school and the lives of countless young people.

Why Legacies Matter

Sustaining Educational Excellence
Legacies enable us to maintain and elevate the high standards of education at Blundell’s. Your gift can help fund scholarships, bursaries, and innovative academic programmes, ensuring that we continue to attract and support talented students and dedicated teachers.

Enhancing Facilities and Resources
Gifts left in Wills allow us to invest in state-of-the-art facilities and resources that enhance the learning environment. From building new classrooms and laboratories to updating sports facilities and technology, your legacy ensures that Blundell’s remains at the forefront of educational excellence.

Supporting Future Generations
Legacy gifts provide financial stability and sustainability, allowing us to plan for the future with confidence. Your generosity ensures that Blundell’s can continue to offer life-changing opportunities to students for many years to come.

How to Leave a Legacy

Leaving a legacy to Blundell’s School is a meaningful way to make a lasting difference. Here are the different ways you can include a gift in your Will:

Residuary Legacy
A residuary legacy is a gift of the remainder (or a percentage of the remainder) of your estate after all other bequests, debts, and expenses have been paid. This type of gift maintains its value over time and can have a significant impact.
Pecuniary Legacy
A pecuniary legacy is a gift of a fixed sum of money. Even a modest amount can make a substantial difference to our students and facilities.
Specific Legacy
A specific legacy involves leaving a particular item of value, such as property, shares, or personal possessions. These items can be used or sold by the school to support our needs.
Contingent Legacy
A contingent legacy is a gift that is dependent on certain conditions being met, such as if other beneficiaries do not survive you. This ensures that your estate is used as you intend, no matter the circumstances.

How to Include Blundell’s in Your Will

Including Blundell’s School in your Will is straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

Consult Your Solicitor
Speak with your solicitor to ensure that your Will reflects your wishes accurately. They can provide guidance on the best way to include a legacy gift to the school.
Use Our Suggested Wording
To include a legacy to Blundell’s, you can use the following wording:
  • For a Residuary Legacy:
    "I give [all/a percentage] of the residue of my estate to Blundell’s School (Registered Charity Number: 306916) of Blundell’s Road, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 4DN for its general purposes."
  • For a Pecuniary or Specific Legacy:
    "I give [the sum of £amount/a specific item] to Blundell’s School (Registered Charity Number: 306916) of Blundell’s Road, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 4DN for its general purposes."
Inform Us
A specific legacy involves leaving a particular item of value, such as property, shares, or personal possessions. These items can be used or sold by the school to support our needs.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about leaving a legacy or would like more information, please contact our Foundation Office at foundation@blundells.org. We are here to help and can provide confidential advice on the various options available.

Thank you for considering leaving a legacy to Blundell’s School. Your generosity will help ensure that we continue to provide an outstanding education and life-changing opportunities for generations to come.

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