Outcomes | Blundell’s School | Senior


Outcomes at Blundell's

Collaborative working, with regular enrichment outside of subjects is the lifeblood of our curriculum.

We provide pupils with diverse experiences and open their eyes to the fact that not everyone sees the world in the same way. The individual conversations and relationships pupils have with their teachers are key to our approach, as is the imaginative and innovative nature of classroom practice. We expect our pupils to work together, to share ideas and to challenge and support each other. As a result classrooms are lively places, and learning is purposeful, rigorous and above all an enjoyable experience – we are very proud of what we offer our pupils at every level.

Our results speak for themselves; our pupils achieve highly in all areas of their educational journey, and this is done with the support of our dedicated and enthusiastic teaching body.


Using national assessments on entry to Blundell’s and subsequently the pupils’ eventual academic outcomes when they leave us, the data shows that our value added regularly puts us among the top schools in the country.

Our value added sets us apart in our academic results; on average each of our pupils achieves half a grade more per GCSE than the average for pupils of their ability in Independent Schools in the UK. They then build on this with half a grade again in each of their A-Levels. We are deliberately not a ‘hot house’ school, so these stellar results go alongside our pupils also excelling on the sports field, in their Houses, and in the performing arts.

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