Pastoral Care
At Blundell’s Prep, pastoral care is at the heart of everything and the central component of all that we do.
Our outstanding provision provides the foundations to allow our pupils to not only strive to be the best they can be in any given academic, artistic or sporting discipline but to also feel happy, safe, supported and cared for throughout their time with us. We want our pupils to be happy and successful - in that order. We take pride in our pupils treating each other with respect and looking after one another and the school’s motto ‘Non Sibi’ encourages values of courtesy, kindness and selflessness which combine to create a very special atmosphere.
Each pupil is allocated to a form where their form teacher is the first point of contact pastorally for both the pupil and their parents. Throughout their education other teachers take further interest and responsibility for the children’s care and wellbeing. The support and guidance that we give our pupils is helped along the way by pastoral intervention programs which are tailored to individual needs of the pupils, working with them and their teachers and parents to help provide the best support we possibly can give. Programs such as Girls on Board (a nationally recognised program to pastorally support girls) offers specific support and guidance. Should it be needed pupils can access our dedicated school counsellor and the collection of pastoral data from the children about how they are feeling and coping in school and at home, adhering to our policies, collating important data through such pastoral platforms as Cpoms allows us to analyse, understand and then implement sound decisions and all these elements combine to help in the excellent delivery of our outstanding pastoral program.
In conjunction with our academic lessons, we run a program of Personal, Social and Health Education that helps to support the children’s growth and covers important areas of a child’s emotional development such as mental health, personal safety (both in the real world and on the internet), eating healthily as well as making good life choices and helping others. Many of the things we implement in our PSHE program are also covered in our whole school assemblies, which are pastorally driven with important messages for our whole school community to learn from.
Our rewards and sanctions programs teach our children the importance of hard work, perseverance and resilience as well as fairness, compassion and as our School motto says ‘not for ones self’. Being a prefect in Year 6, which all our pupils get a chance to be, provides our pupils with the opportunity to not just demonstrate leadership, to make their own decisions and judge for themselves the best course of action to take in different situations.
Our dedicated team of teachers are passionate about providing the best for every child and we pride ourselves on the strength of relationships that exist between pupils, teachers and parents. We welcome open communications and a strong partnership with our families, all of whom are invited to attend a wide variety of events including informal tea parties, concerts, dramatic productions, sports matches and exhibitions.
Through small form groups led by experienced teachers, we offer time for children to be children, with the knowledge that they have someone to turn to whenever they need help or guidance. A strong focus on positive relationships and a commitment to developing reflective mindsets ensures that children feel able to share any concerns with the people around them. The children at Blundell’s Prep are happy children and that shines through in everything that they do.
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