Learning Success at Blundell’s Prep | Blundell’s Preparatory School

Learning Success

Learning Success

Blundell’s is committed to securing the best educational outcome for every child, regardless of any barriers to learning.

As a community, we work together to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is continually reviewed to make learning accessible to all of our pupils. Our aim is to support pupils with SEN to raise their aspirations and their achievement.

Where it has been identified that extra support is necessary for the child to access the mainstream curriculum, there will be an assessment of the child’s needs. Parents may elect to have their child assessed by an educational psychologist if further investigation into difficulties and needs is required. Results of all assessments will be shared with the parents and relevant teaching staff to discuss the ways forward. After discussion with all parties, additional school support, either on a short- or long-term basis, may be recommended and targets in the form of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for the child will be created.

Pupils are involved in reviewing their IEP and planning their targets for the coming term. We build strong relationships with the pupils and encourage them to voice their opinion about their progress as often as possible.

Where appropriate, additional support will be provided as a package. This support may be one to one out of class, in a small group, or within the classroom setting. The level of support will be regularly reviewed and modified to suit the needs of the child. The school will also work with relevant external agencies to support individual needs.

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