In the Early Years, children are taught to be active and to develop their coordination, control, and movement. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports a healthy and active lifestyle. Within their P.E. lessons, the children are given the opportunity to work as individuals, in a group or as part of a team. Pupils develop core movement, become increasingly competent and confident, and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and co-ordination. As the children progress, we aim to give them opportunities to compete in sport and other activities in order to build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Aims of the Sports department
- To develop a positive attitude to physical activity
- To enhance physical development and individual fitness
- To be enjoyable, challenging and purposeful
- To learn to play fairly, compete honestly, win modestly and lose gracefully
- To provide opportunities for all
- To allow pupils to extend themselves to a high level through county and national experiences
- Rugby
- Hockey
- Cricket
- Netball
- Handball*
- Tennis*
- Badminton*
- Squash*
- Basketball*
- Lacrosse*
- Swimming*
- Athletics*
- Dance*
- Cross Country*
*Played as part of our PE programme
We have a full fixtures programme for Rugby, Hockey, Cricket and Netball. These events provide an opportunity to develop our pupils’ social interactions whilst putting their skills to the test. Some of the schools we play against regularly include Plymouth College, Mount Kelly, Stover, Exeter School, Exeter Cathedral, St Peter’s Lympstone, West Buckland, Taunton, Kings Hall, Queens, Wellington and Millfield.
A number of clubs are on offer before and after school which provide pupils with the opportunity to develop a new skill or explore a new hobby.
- Football
- Cricket
- Netball
- Swimming
- Fencing
- Funky Jazz*
- Fives
- Dance
- Ballet *
- Judo*
- Scrum Kids (Pre-Prep only)
*Offered to our Pre-Prep and Prep School pupils