All fees are payable on or before the first day of the term for which they are due. A surcharge of 2% per month will be made on overdue accounts.
Sibling discounts of 7% of the basic tuition fee will apply to the elder child of two in fulltime education at the Preparatory School/Blundell’s or 10% and 7% respectively for the elder two, should there be three children. Please note that if a pupil is awarded any other concession then this takes priority and any potential sibling discount ceases or does not apply. For the avoidance of doubt, sibling discount does not apply to pupils on the local fee tariff which applies in years 9 to 13 at the Senior School.
Concessions may be withdrawn for the term if payment is not received on or before the first day of term.
Energy Surcharge – 2023-24
1% of each pupil’s gross designated fee before any other reduction – the need for this will be reviewed on a termly basis as the high energy costs reduce.