Westminster Abbey Evensong
An incredible experience for our pupils to sing in one of the world’s most famous churches
Biology involves the study of a wide range of exciting topics, from molecular biology to ecosystems and from microorganisms to mammoths.
It is a subject in which significant advances occur frequently, particularly in the areas of Genetics and Biotechnology, and many of these are studied as part of our Biology courses. Our courses help pupils develop a number of skills; how to collect data and evaluate it, how to investigate facts and use deduction, how to put over your point of view effectively and how to take responsibility for your own learning. Our pupils perform well in examinations and successfully compete in national competitions. We run a range of extracurricular activities, from lectures and careers talks through to the dissection club and the biology garden growing club.
Many pupils enjoy the subject so much they eventually choose a biologically related degree course. We run very successful Oxbridge, Medic and Veterinary programmes and for the last four years, all pupils on these programmes have been called for interview. Others who study Biology go on to careers in areas such as law, computing, accounting or teaching. Whatever field you will eventually work in, you will find biology a very rewarding and challenging course which will develop many of the skills essential for a successful career.
Our Department is well equipped, possessing five laboratories with a wide range of high specification practical equipment. We also have wildlife and vegetable gardens, an extensive succulent collection and small animal collection.