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Personal, Social, Health and Economics Education is delivered in fortnightly lessons to Years 7 and 8, weekly lessons for Years 9-11 and during Enrichment for the Sixth Form.

The aim is to provide the students with the facts to make their own decisions, to develop the tools and the skills they need to carry out that decision, and the ability to enjoy or cope with the consequences of their decisions and actions. We want our young people to make independent, healthy choices that keep their bodies and minds healthy, safe and thriving. This includes making choices around sleeping, eating, exercise, their online life and digital profiles, positive relationships, sex, alcohol, drugs, vaping, budgeting and saving, parties, festivals and travelling, the world of work, qualifications options, governance, the responsibilities of citizenship, the rule of law, planetary health and sustainability. We also want them to be able to have open, candid conversations with parents before they HAVE to have conversations under more difficult, forced circumstances. They learn research skills, where to go for information and support, communication skills, conflict management, self-awareness, how to help each other, and how to seek help.

The spiral progression of the PSHE programme means that topics are revisited in older years, in more depth, with scenarios progressing in complexity and understanding. Staff volunteer from across the Common Room and topics are often linked across the academic curricula, and timed to coincide with School, National or International events such as Mental Health week, National Careers Week, International Human Rights Day or the International Day of Happiness. We follow closely the national Government guidelines for British Values, Relationship and Sex Education, and Prevent, celebrating and championing diversity, difference and the idea of living on Planet Why?

Latest News

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U13 South West Development Camp

Blundell's School was delighted to host the first U13 South West Development Camp, an innovative and collaborative initiative for county pathway cricket.

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School House & Senior School Sports Day 2024

Sports Day showcased the athletic talents, team spirit, and school pride of Blundell's

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Blundell's Fest 2024

Blundell's Fest 2024

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Girls’ 1st XI Cricket

Girls’ 1st XI Cricket

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Introducing Our New School Uniform for September 2024

Introducing Our New School Uniform for September 2024: A Fresh Look for a Bright Future!

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Full Scholarship to Indiana State University for Gemma

Gemma has secured a full scholarship to Indiana State University

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D-Day 80th Anniversary

Blundell's commemorates the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

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Art & Photography Celebration Evening

An evening of celebrations for our A Level and GCSE Fine Art & Photography students

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Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Several pupils have achieved the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award

Senior School News