Current Information 24 25 web
2024/25 Academic Year
13-18 SENIOR SCHOOL (YEARS 9-13) | 11-13 SCHOOL HOUSE (YEARS 7&8) | |||
Termly | Annually | Termly | Annually | |
International Boarder | £15,925 | £47,775 | £10,790 | £32,370 |
Full Boarder | £15,250 | £45,750 | £10,790 | £32,370 |
Weekly Boarder | £13,160 | £39,480 | £9,255 | £27,765 |
Local Weekly Boarder | £12,335 | £37,005 | ||
Flexi-boarder (22 nights)* | £11,330 | £33,990 | £7,875 | £23,625 |
Flexi-boarder (11 nights)* | £10,800 | £32,400 | £7,350 | £22,050 |
Local Flexi-boarder (22 nights)* | £10,320 | £30,960 | ||
Local Flexi-boarder (11 nights)* | £9,750 | £29,250 | ||
Day** | £9,330 | £27,990 | £6,180 | £18,540 |
Local Day** | £8,420 | £25,260 |
International Boarding Fee includes UKVI administration costs (CAS fee etc), Transport to and from Heathrow each half-term and to IELTs testing centres, and Boarders’ Sunday trips and activities
* Extra Flexi-boarding nights £60.00 each
** Ad hoc nights, dependent on bed availability, £75.00 each
Utility Surcharge
A Utility Surcharge will be added to all fees, at a rate of 1% per annum.
Insurance Charges
These are charged in advance, on an opt-in basis.
School Fees Protection Insurance | 0.75% of fee payable |
Personal Effects Insurance | £8.31 per term |
AXA PPP Healthcare | Details to Follow Separately |
All Scholarships, concessions and awards are normally made as a percentage of the basic junior or senior tuition fee and deducted from the fee.
Awards may be withdrawn for the term if payment is not received on or before the first day of term.
Full Boarder
A pupil who normally stays 7 days a week with his/her own allocated bed and study area. Laundry, all meals and some weekend activities are included in the fee.
Weekly Boarder
A pupil who stays from Monday to Friday inclusive (Mon’ to Thu’ in School House), with the provision of his/her own allocated bed and study area. Laundry and all meals during the week are included in the fee. Weekend stays are possible at the normal Flexi-boarder nightly cost, billed at the end of term.
A Flexi-boarder can choose an 11 night or a 22 night per term package taken on any Monday to Friday night during the term. This will give them their own designated bed and the ability to stay for supper and prep on any weekday evening. Extra nights can be taken at £60.00 per night billed at the end of term. Laundry is not included in this fee.
A day pupil goes home at the end of the programmed day. Breakfast and/or supper and evening prep can be taken at an additional daily charge.
Are applicable to Senior Fees only. The pupil must reside within a ten-mile radius of the
Sibling Discounts
A sibling discount of 7% of the basic tuition fee for both Junior and Senior Fees will apply to
the elder sibling of two, in full time education at Blundell’s School and Blundell’s Preparatory
A sibling discount of 10% and 7% respectively will apply for the elder two siblings, should
there be three siblings.
Please note that if a pupil is awarded any other concession, then this takes priority and any
potential sibling discount ceases or does not apply.
For the avoidance of doubt, sibling discount does not apply to pupils on the local fee tariff.
Pre-Entry Fees
The Registration Fee is £100. It is payable when a pupil is registered at the School and is non-refundable.
Confirmation Fees and Deposits are:
UK Pupils | £500 |
EU Pupils | £1500 |
Non-EU International Pupils | £6000 |
Interest is charged at 2% per month, calculated on a daily basis. It will be charged on the balance of accounts not paid by the first day of term.
Notice Periods
Notice periods are in accordance with the Parent Contract and are applicable to School Fees and all charges for Extras. A term of fees and charges in lieu of notice will be charged if notice is not duly given.