Scholarships and Bursaries at Blundell's
An opportunity to achieve distinction and personal excellence through the scholarships programme.
Blundell’s aims to nurture academic performance through the encouragement of scholarship and scholarly example. There is a wide cross-section of awards aimed at developing balance, breadth, and will to lead from the front by maintaining the highest standards.
The Scholarships and Awards are competed for at 11+, 13+ and 16+. There are also a small number of discretionary Head’s Awards.
See the Current Information Booklet (Pg 8-17) for more information, how to apply, closing dates and FAQs.
Blundell’s is fortunate to be able to continue to fulfil the wishes of Peter Blundell, its founder, by offering Foundation Bursaries to successful scholarship applicants who may need more financial support. These applications will require a notarised Financial Means Form to be submitted prior to the scholarship process.
Scholarship programme for September 2024 entry:
- 16+ Music Scholarships
Thursday 9th November 2023 (Closing date Monday 23rd October 2023) - 16+ Sport Scholarships
Monday 13th November 2023 (Closing date Monday 23rd October 2023) - 16+ Academic, Art, Drama & STEM Scholarships
Tuesday 14th November 2023 (Closing date Monday 23rd October 2023) - 11+ Entrance & Awards Examinations
Saturday 13th January 2024 (Closing date Monday 4th December 2023) - 11+ Music Awards
Monday 15th January 2024 (Closing date Monday 4th December 2023) - 13+ Sport Scholarships
Monday 9th October 2023 (Closing date Monday 2nd October 2023) - 13+ Academic Scholarships
Tue 23rd Jan’ – Wed 24th Jan’ 2024 (Closing date Monday 11th December 2023) - 13+ Music & DT Scholarships
Thursday 25th January 2024 (Closing date Monday 11th December 2023) - 13+ Art & Drama Scholarships
Please note there has been a date change to the Art & Drama Scholarships. These have been brought forward to:
Monday 22nd January 2024 (Closing date Monday 11th December 2023)
For any additional information please contact the Admissions Co-ordinator, Mrs A. Gray.
Tel: 01884 232310
Scholarships & Bursaries FAQs
In what areas are Awards offered? |
We offer the following awards:
At what age can a boy or girl sit for an award? |
Awards are made at the following stages in a child’s education:
As an HMC School the maximum value of any award is 50% of fees, with the exception of the means tested Foundation Bursaries. There are three levels of awards:
named instruments). |
What is a Foundation Bursary? |
The School is fortunate to be able to offer these to successful scholarship applicants whose parents need financial assistance for their son or daughter and who, in the opinion of the Head, would derive great benefit from an education at Blundell’s. This bursary is means tested and offers a discount of up to 100% of basic tuition fees. Parents and candidates must arrange to visit the School and complete a statement of financial means form prior to the examination closing date. |
Are there special terms for children whose parents are serving in H.M. Forces? |
A Services Boarding Package is available; please contact the Registrar’s Office for further details. |
Can a pupil who holds an award try for one again at a later stage? |
Candidates who win an award at 11+ can sit for one at 13+ to see if he or she can improve. If a higher standard is achieved, relative to their age, then a higher award can be made. However, the original award will not be lost if the reverse is true! This is also the case at 16+. |
Can internal candidates apply for a scholarship? |
Pupils in Year 8 or Year 11 may apply to sit the scholarship examinations even if they failed to receive an award at an earlier stage. Pupils are not automatically entered, however, and must apply by the appropriate closing date. |
Will Blundell’s request a school report? |
On receipt of the scholarship application form Blundell’s will request a confidential report from the candidate’s current school and this will form an important part of the assessment process. |
Where do the exams take place? |
All exams are sat at Blundell’s. When candidates live abroad it may be possible, given enough notice, to arrange for papers to be sat at the candidate’s school. |
Will my child be able to stay at Blundell’s during the scholarship examinations? |
Candidates may stay in a boarding house overnight during the examination period. |
Are sample papers available? |
Sample papers for 11+ Entry Examinations and 13+ Scholarships are available from the Registrar’s Office upon request. |
How do candidates apply for an award? |
Please contact the Registrar’s Office for the appropriate entry forms. |